Whether you need your drivers license for your work, or simply just to do the school run, losing it can cause immeasurable inconvenience and sometimes even have much larger effects on your life, and that of your family and loved ones.
Road traffic law is a particularly complex area. Many offences carry mandatory points on your license and/or disqualification. Specialist advice is usually necessary at an early stage to try to miminise any fine or driving ban.
We may be able to help you keep your license if you have been accused of any other following:
camera-detected speed offences
failing to give details of a driver (section 172 notice for camera-detected offences)
dangerous or careless driving
drink driving
Other criminal driving matters which we can help with include:
driving whilst disqualified
driving other than in accordance with a license
driving without insurance and/or tax/MOT
Beware - some minor offences still carry points!
Even some relatively minor matters carry a three point penalty and can result in disqualification under the “totting up” provisions. These include:
camera-detected yellow box junction offences
driving whilst using a mobile phone
Quite often in such cases, there are irregularities in the road markings and/or signage (for yellow box offences) or the police simply may not have gathered adequate evidence (in the case of using a mobile phone), yet most drivers simply “pay up” thinking there is nothing they can do.
We can advise if you have a defence, and possibly save your license!
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Bullivant Law offers a free initial 15 minute consultation to establish if you have any defence to any of the above offences. Please contact us on 0207 332 8250 or mail@bullivantlaw.com and ask to speak to a Lawyer.”