We hold data that is personal to you.
We must have a legal basis for possessing and using your personal data.
If you have sought our services and/or instructed us directly, that basis is our contract with you, or because you have asked us to take specific steps on your behalf before entering into a contract.
Alternatively, if we receive unsolicited personal information from you via our website or in any other way remote way, that basis is your consent.
Certain categories of personal data are sensitive and we hold this type of data only because you have positively instructed us to act for you.
In the course of acting for you, we may instruct other legal professionals to represent you, experts to advise and report on scientific, medical or other issues, interpreters and translators to assist if English is not your first language, and others necessary to properly and effectively prepare your case. All of these external parties will only be supplied with your personal data if they have provided us with satisfactory undertakings. If your case is publicly funded it is a condition of that funding that your personal data is provided to the Legal Aid Agency and their agents. Equally, if you are funded through some other arrangement, such as insurance, it will also be a condition of that funding that the funder apprised of the facts of your case.
In order to undertake our work securely and efficiently, we utilize the services of a number of organisations that variously provide case management systems, costs advice and claim preparation, server capacity and server maintenance, data back-up, cloud storage, web design and maintenance, and other IT functions. They also will only be supplied with personal data if they have provided us with satisfactory undertakings.
All of these external parties are instructed in the course of our contract with you or to fulfil obligations, duties and rights arising from that contract.
If we obtain your personal data through our website or in some other unsolicited way, we may instruct analysis of data sets so obtained but this is a largely anonymised procedure and we will ensure that the security of your personal data is not compromised in any way.
We will not pass on any of your personal data to any other party without your positive consent.
We take steps to ensure that your personal data is kept secure and safe.
You have the right:
to be informed we hold your personal data;
to access the personal data we hold (free of charge if the request is reasonable);
to have us correct any errors in the personal data we hold;
to transfer your personal data to other solicitors if you change instructions (subject to any lien we may have); and,
to have the personal data we hold about you destroyed (but this is subject to regulatory and legal obligations)
Please apply in writing if you wish to exercise any of these rights.