Restraint Orders [better known as freezing orders] are often made long before a trial or at about the time of charging –certainly well before a final determination has been made in a case. But they have the effect of causing great hardship on a person’s life both domestic and business.
We have experience of negotiating with prosecution authorities to increase allowable expenses for clients and also of successfully applying to vary or discharge restraint orders, helping you to lead as normal a life as possible during the life of a freezing order.
Confiscation Orders are made following conviction where the Prosecution seek to prove that the defendant has benefitted financially. The confiscation order itself only bites on a defendant’s realisable assets. We have experience of defeating or limiting the extent of confiscation proceedings.
Please contact us for an initial free, no obligation consultation if you are the subject of a Restraint Order and need further advice. You can contact us on 0207 332 8250 or and ask to speak to a Lawyer.